In-Residence Massage

Relax your mind and body as your own personal therapist works the knots and tension out of your body using traditional Swedish massage techniques and a little help from an aromatherapy session, everything without leaving your residence.

Deep Tissue Massage is also available.

Each massage is 60 minutes for up to 6 people at a time. Make bookings through the Concierge at least 48 hours in advance, Monday thru Sunday, 7 am to 8 pm.

Download the brochure for more information.

Download Our In-Residence Massage Brochure Now

Other Experiences

Tequila Tasting

Get the inside scoop on Mexico’s finest export and learn about its origins, how it is produced, and the diverse flavors this traditional spirit holds.

Mexican Cuisine Experience

Learn the principles and techniques of traditional Mexican Gastronomy from a professional chef in the comfort of your villa.

Hiking at Fox Canyon

Walk next to a river and explore unique rock formations while enjoying the wonderful vegetation, waterfalls, and desert beauty in Cabo.